He holds a PhD in philosophy from the Université Paris 8. He is permanent senior researcher at the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) in Paris. His area of specialization is political philosophy, with a focus on democratic theory. He has published a book on political epistemology (Voci della ragione, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2009), a book on social theories of normativity (Les sources sociales de la normativitè, Vrin 2013), a book on moral and political philosophy (Practice, Judgment, and the Challenged of Moral and Political Disagreement. A pragmatist Account, Lexington, Lanhan, Md. 2012). His latest book, Pragmatism and the wide view of democracy, has just been published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (French translation Le projet démocratique, Les Editions de la Sorbonne, 2020). His articles have appeared in international journals such as The European Journal of Political Theory, Constellations, Critical Horizons, Social theory and Practice, Metaphilosophy, Thesis Eleven, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, The Review of International Studies, Critical Review of international social and political philosophy, The Journal of Social Philosophy, Moral Philosophy and Politics, Democratic Theory, Business Ethics Quarterly.

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